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Audials Movie


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All-in-One online stream recorder, media converter, media library and player

Audials AG | 3 more apps |
updated on March 13, 2025
202.5mb | demo


Many tools in one package


Some limitations in the unregistered version
Audials Movie
Price: $
Audials Movie is a comprehensive online video stream recording tool. It can be used to record from various online sources and save the content to your PC in the desired format. Besides that, it can be used for converting videos/audios and copying DVDs, and it can be also used as a Media Center, where you can organize your media files and also play them.

For recording video streams to your PC, you can paste a video URL, or use a quick start option to download video content from predefined online video streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Video, Dailymotion and others. Videos can be also grabbed directly from the screen, by manually selecting the recording area or by letting the software auto-detect it.

Another option available from the Audials Movie interface is a video converter where you can convert videos and audios to several supported formats, making them available to a range of devices, and all of that without losing any quality. Many media formats are also supported for the input. Additionally, you can also use this software to copy DVDs and burn them.

As your content collection starts to grow, you can use this software to organize it and create playlists. Metadata for recordings from online video-on-demand services are added automatically but can be also manually edited. The media player is included in the software as well, so you can play any content directly from within it.

To put it simply, Audials Movie is an All-in-One tool for managing all of your media needs in one place. It can be used for downloading, organizing, converting, and even for playback of media content.
Reviewed by (editor rating 3.5 out of 5 stars)

Additional info

Minimum requirements

• 1 GHz CPU
• 2 GB RAM
• 1 GB hard drive space
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• DSL internet access

Licence limitations

• Limited number of actions
• Nag screen

Operating system


Supported languages

English, French, German, Japanese


Total: 19
Last week: 0

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